AR information design - Dr. AR

AR information design

(ID: {{list.user_id}})
Before using the service, please read the "Design flow".

[1] If you have an XML file, please upload it here.

[2] Please enter the name of the target task. (Max. 100 characters)

Task name:

[3] Please select the head mounted display (HMD) to be used.


[4] (Only if used) Register the AR markers.

# NameImage file".patt" fileOPR
Upload the image as an AR marker in the above.

[5] Please enter the section names in the task. (Max. 60 characters)

# Section nameOPR

[6] Follow the page, "Design flow" "Design flow" and fill information related to the steps in the AR information design table below from the content of the proceduere manual. Next, select the key-steps and break them down into sub-steps based on the predefined substep-types in the pull-down menus for each step. Then select the key substeps.

AR information design table [Section : ]
# Step NameContentImage/VideoOPR
{{listStep.main.preview }}
Upload the image or video in the above.
Upload the image or video in the above.
  •  Type:
    {{}} [Ref.] to show {{subtask.main_info.status}} of {{subtask.main_info.object}}. ({{subtask.main_info.text}})
    {{}} [Ref.] to show {{subtask.main_info.status}} of {{subtask.main_info.object}}. ({{subtask.main_info.text}})
    {{}} to show {{subtask.main_info.status}} of {{subtask.main_info.object}}. ({{subtask.main_info.text}})
    Not Found

[8] After completing the AR information design table, click the button below to download the XML file.

Notes: Currently, there is no destination for the XML file that this site will finally output. Therefore, please use it as a reference for designing your own AR task support system.