This page describes the unique format we have defined for describing AR task support content.
Version 1.0
ARTSAML Elements
The ARTSAML element is an element that contains elements of the entire content description format.
- Version Element:
- Title Element:
- ContentDescription Element:
- Global Element: The Global element describes information about the main panel and the object coordinate system.
- Section Element, and Step Element: Describes information on each step and section of the AR content. The Section element and Step element should be prepared for the number of sections and steps in the AR content. If the AR content to be created has no sections but only steps, the Section element will be eliminated and the Step element will be placed at the same level as the Global element.
Version Element
The Version element describes the version of the content description format in String type.
Title Element
The Title element describes the title of the AR content to be created in String type.
Content Description Element
The ContentDescription element contains a String type description of the AR content to be created.
Global Element
The Global element describes information about the main panel and the object coordinate system.
MainPanel Element
The MainPanel element describes detailed information about the main panel.
InitialCoordinateMainPanel element
The InitialCoordinateMainPanel element specifies the coordinate system used to fix the main panel at the system startup. If the coordinate system to be fixed is an object coordinate system, the name of the object coordinate system should be described in the ObjectName tag, “Screen” for a screen coordinate system, and “SLAM” for a SLAM coordinate system.
AvailabilityCoordinateMainPanel element
The AvailabilityCoordinateMainPanel element specifies the coordinate system that will be available for the worker to switch to while working.
ObjectCoordinate element
The ObjectCoordinate element describes the name of the object coordinate system as a String type. It is used to call an object coordinate system, for example, when specifying an object coordinate system.
Screen Element
If you want to enable switching to the screen coordinate system, write “true” in the Screen tag; if you do not need to switch to the screen coordinate system, write “false” in the Screen tag.
SLAM element
If you want to enable switching to the SLAM coordinate system, write “true” in the SLAM tag; if you do not need to switch to the SLAM coordinate system, write “false”.
Transform Element
The Transform element describes the position and size of the main panel, the position and size of the 3D model, and the position and size of the sub-panels.
Position element
The Position element describes the position coordinates.
Pos_x element
The Pos_x element describes the numerical value of the x-coordinate of the position coordinates. The unit is meters.
Pos_y element
The Pos_y element describes the numerical value of the y-coordinate of the position coordinates. The unit is meters.
Pos_z element
The Pos_y element describes the numerical value of the z-coordinate of the position coordinates. The unit is meters.
Rotation Element
The Rotation element describes the tilt (Euler angle).
Rot_x Element
The Rot_x element describes the tilt (Euler angle) in the x-coordinate direction. The unit is degrees.
Rot_Y Element
The Rot_y element describes the tilt (Euler angle) in the y-coordinate direction. The unit is degrees.
Rot_Z Element
The Rot_z element describes the tilt (Euler angle) in the z-coordinate direction. The unit is degrees.
Scale Element
The Scale element describes the scale.
Scl_x Element
The Scl_x element describes the scale in the x-coordinate direction.
Scl_Y Element
The Scl_y element describes the scale in the y-coordinate direction.
Scl_Z Element
The Scl_z element describes the scale in the z-coordinate direction.
ObjectAlignment Elements
The ObjectAlignment element describes the name of the object coordinate system, alignment method, and information necessary for alignment.
- ObjectCoordinate Element:
- AlignModel Element:
- MarkerType Element:
- QRcodeMarkerData Element: When a QR code is used as an AR marker used to obtain the position coordinates of an object, the string of the QR code is described with the String type.
- (ImageMarkerData Element): When an image is used for alignment to obtain position coordinates using Marker, describe the URL of the image to be used (Currently not implemented).
AlignModel element
The alignment method in which the 3D model is superimposed on the actual object to obtain position coordinates is called manual alignment. the AlignModel element describes detailed information about the 3D model used for manual alignment.
- AlignModelName Element:
- AlignModelURL Element:
- Transform Element: The Transform element describes the initial position where the AlignModel is fixed. It should be described in numerical values in accordance with the SLAM coordinate system.
- ButtonPin Element: A button-type UI that starts acquiring position coordinates after aligning the 3D model with the actual object during manual alignment is called a ButtonPin. the ButtonPin element should contain information on the position coordinates of the ButtonPin if you wish to specify the coordinates at which it should be displayed. If there is no need to specify the position coordinates of ButtonPin, there is no need to describe this element. By default, it should be displayed in the upper right corner of the alignment model.
AlignModelName element
The AlignModelName element describes the name of the 3D model used for manual alignment in String type.
AlignModelURL element
The AlignModelURL element describes the URL of the location where the 3D model used for manual alignment is stored, using the String type.
MarkerType elements
When using a QR code or image data as an AR marker to track the position coordinates of an object, the MarkerType element should contain “TrackableMarker” to keep tracking the position coordinates, or “UnTrackableMarker” to use the position coordinates only once and not track them thereafter. UnTrackableMarker” to use the position coordinates only once and not track them afterward.
QRCodeMarkerData elements
When a QR code is used as an AR marker used to obtain the position coordinates of an object, describe the detailed information of the QR code.
QRCodeCharacter element
Describe the string of the QR Code to be used as a String type.
If you wish to specify the size of the marker to be used, describe the size.
ImageMarkerData element
When an image is used as an AR marker used to obtain the position coordinates of an object, detailed information about the image is described.
ImageMarkerURL element
Describe the storage URL of the image to be used as a String type.
ButtonPin Element
The interface on the button that starts acquiring position coordinates after the AlignModel is superimposed on the actual object is called a pin button. If there is no need to specify the position coordinates of the pin button, there is no need to describe this element.
- Transform Element: The Transform element describes the initial position of the pin button to be fixed. The initial position should be described by a numerical value in accordance with the SLAM coordinate system.
Section Element
The Section element describes information about each section.
SectionID Element
The SectionID element describes the ID assigned to each section as an int type to manage the number and order of sections.
SectionName element
The SectionName element describes the title of the section in String type.
Step Element
The Step element describes information about the step.
- StepID Element:
- StepName Element:
- MainPanelContent Element: The MainPanelContent element describes information about the main panel to be displayed during that step work.
- SubPanel Element: The SubPanel element describes information on the sub-panels used in the step.
- ThreeDModel Element: The ThreeDModel element describes information about the 3D models used in the step.
- PointerRope Element: The PointerRope element describes information about the pointer rope.
StepID element
The StepID element describes the ID assigned to each step as an int type to manage the number and order of steps.
StepNAME element
The StepName element describes the title of the step in String type.
MainPanelContent element
The MainPanelContent element describes information about the main panel to be displayed during that step work.
Text Element
The Text element contains a String-type description of the text that describes the work of the main (sub) panel to be displayed within that step.
MEdia Element
The Media element describes information about the images and videos used in the main (sub) panel displayed in that step.
IMAgeURL Element
The ImageURL element describes the URL of the image data used for the main (sub) panel displayed in that step.
VideoURL Element
The VideoURL element describes the URL of the video data used for the main (sub) panel displayed in that step.
SubPanel Element
The SubPanel element describes information on the sub-panels used in the step.
- SubPanelName Element:
- Text Element:
- Media Element: The Media element describes information about the image or video to be displayed in that sub-panel. If the sub-panel does not use images or video, there is no need to describe a Media element.
- Coordinate Element: The Coordinate element selects and describes the coordinate system to which the sub-panel is fixed.
- Transform Element: The Transform element describes the initial position coordinates of the sub-panel. The initial position should be described in terms of a numerical value that corresponds to the coordinate system selected by the Coordinate element.
- Description Element:
- Manipulable Element: The Manipulable element describes whether or not the sub-panel can be moved, rotated, or resized by the worker.
SubPanelName element
The SubPanelName element describes the name of the sub-panel.
Description element
The Description element describes the sub-panel itself, including the intent for which the sub-panel is to be used. It is used to assist the creator of the system in attaching the device and placing the sub-panel in the desired location.
ThreeDModel Element
The ThreeDModel element describes information about the 3D models used in the step.
- ThreeDModelName Element:
- Coordinate Element: In the Coordinate element, select and describe the coordinate system to which the 3D model is fixed.
- Transform Element: The Transform element describes the initial position coordinates of the 3D model. The initial position is described by a numerical value that corresponds to the coordinate system selected with the Coordinate element.
- Description Element: The Description element describes the 3D model itself, including the purpose for which the 3D model is to be used. It is used to assist the creator of the system in placing the 3D model in the desired location by attaching the device.
- Manipulable Element: The Manipulable element describes whether the 3D model can be moved, rotated, or resized by the operator.
ThreeDModelName Element
The ThreeDModelName element describes the name of the 3D model. If you wish to specify this 3D model in the ObjectName used in the InitialCoordinateMainPanel element, the AvailabilityCoordinateMainPanel element, or the Coordinate element, specify this ThreeDModelName element.
Manipulable element
The Manipulable element describes whether or not the AR object can be moved, rotated, or resized by the worker.
PositionManipulable Element
The PositionManipulable element describes whether the AR object can be moved by the operator or not, using the bool type. If the AR object is movable, true is described.
RotationManipulable element
The RotationManipulable element describes whether the AR object can be rotated by the operator or not, using the bool type. If the AR object can be rotated, true is described.
ScaleManipulable Element
The ScaleManipulable element describes whether the AR object can be resized by the operator or not, using a bool type. If the object can be resized, true is described.
Coordinate Element
In the Coordinate element, select and describe the coordinate system in which the AR object is to be fixed. If the coordinate system to be fixed is an object coordinate system, the name of the object coordinate system should be described in the ObjectCoordinate tag, with “Screen” for a screen coordinate system and “SLAM” for a SLAM coordinate system.
PointerRope Element
The PointerRope element describes information about the pointer rope.
- PointerRopeName:
- Start Element: The Start element describes the starting point of the pointer rope.
- End element: The End element describes information on the end point of the pointer rope.
PointerRopename Element
The PointerRopeName element describes the name of the pointer rope.
Start Element
The Start element describes the starting point of the pointer rope.
- Target Element: The Target element describes the name of the object coordinate system or the name of the sub-panel or 3D model to which the starting point of the pointer rope is fixed.
- Position Element: The Position element describes the position coordinates of the starting point of the pointer rope. It should be described using a numerical value that corresponds to the coordinate system described in the Target element.
End Element
The End element describes information on the endpoint of the pointer rope.
- Target Element: The Target element describes the name of the object coordinate system or the name of the sub-panel or 3D model to which the end point of the pointer rope is fixed.
- Position Element: The Position element describes the position coordinates of the end point of the pointer rope. It should be described using a numerical value that corresponds to the coordinate system described in the Target element.
target Element
The Target element describes the name of the object coordinate system, sub-panel or 3D model to which the start or end point of the pointer rope is fixed. To fix the start or end point of the pointer rope to the main panel, use “MainPanel”. If you want to fix the start or end point of the pointer rope to a sub-panel, describe the name of the corresponding sub-panel in the SubPanelName tag. To fix the start or end point of the pointer rope to a 3D model, specify the name of the corresponding 3D model in the ThreeDModelName tag.